FELTHORN Shetland Sheepdogs  

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Pedigree of Felthorn Indelible                                

Shelridge Socrates

 Marklin Wandasson at Shelridge

Ch Marklin Espree

Ch Lythwood Sky Master

Marklin Dorothea

Marklin Wanda

Ch Jazzman of Janetstown

Marklin Wild Rose

Shelridge Sylphide

Ch Shelridge Haywire

Ch Haytimer of Hanburyhill at Hartmere

Shelridge Soothsayer

Stationhill Corn Dolly

Forestland Crofter

Stationhill Sweet-N-Special

Felthorn Indiscretion

Harbour Master at Felthorn

Felthorn Ferryman

Shelbrook Moonlighting

Felthorn Marionette

Kittary Sweet Snippet

Scylla So Blessed at Felthorn

Willow Tarn Tea Party

Felthorn Lobelia

Morestyle Black Comet

Felthorn Pipe Down

Morestyle Fashion Model

Felthorn Delphinium

Shelbrook Lover's Moon
Ch Felthorn Cornflower

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